SQL Error: select title from (select title from ***_ecms_ppt where classid in (select classid from ***_enewsclass where bclassid in (1,206)) and id<>331374 and caijiyuan not like '%ypppt%')ppthzk where title like '%通讯%' or title like '%电信%' or or title like '%联通%' or or title like '%移动%' limit 6
SQL Error: select title from (select title,titlepic,titleurl from ***_ecms_ppt where classid in (select classid from ***_enewsclass where bclassid in (1,206)) and id<>331374 and caijiyuan not like '%ypppt%')ppthzk where title like '%通讯%' or title like '%电信%' or or title like '%联通%' or or title like '%移动%' limit 6,12